
ITU Faculty of Chemical Metallurgical Engineering

To be the 6th faculty established in the history of ITU, our faculty aims to make scientific and applied research in the fields of chemistry, metallurgy, food and bioengineering fields by pursuing developments in the tomorrow’s key technologies and interdisciplinary engineering opportunities to become a center of advanced solutions in national and international levels.

Our Chemical Engineering, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering and Food Engineering undergraduate programs are accredited by ABET (EAC).


The “9th Materials Days” event was held at ITU.

by Sezgin Sarışen | May 21, 2024
The “9th Materials Days” organized by ITU MMMK took place on May 7-8, 2024, at ITU Faculty of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering, Room D-201.

The Materials Days, organized for the 9th time this year by the Istanbul Technical University Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Club (ITU MMMK), welcomed visitors at the ITU Ayazağa Campus, Faculty of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering, between May 7-8, 2024.

This year, at the opening of the event themed "Carbon Footprint," our Vice Rector, Prof. Dr. Ali Deniz, emphasized the valuable intellectual environment fostered by the dedicated efforts of ITU student clubs in organizing the program. Prof. Dr. Ali Deniz expressed his meaningful appreciation for this year's theme, highlighting the importance of reducing carbon emissions for the future of the world and the preservation of ecological balance.

During the opening speeches by Prof. Dr. Sebahattin Gürmen, the Dean of the Faculty of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering, and Prof. Dr. C. Bora Derin, the Chair of the Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, emphasis was placed on the success of our students in organizing this event, reflecting their sense of responsibility towards addressing the current global issues.

Throughout the two-day event, with over 2500 students and representatives from more than 20 sponsor companies in attendance, the event provided a platform for officials from top sector companies to engage with young engineers, addressing queries on carbon management practices. Moreover, the event featured workshops on glass, ceramics, and iron.