
ITU Faculty of Chemical Metallurgical Engineering

To be the 6th faculty established in the history of ITU, our faculty aims to make scientific and applied research in the fields of chemistry, metallurgy, food and bioengineering fields by pursuing developments in the tomorrow’s key technologies and interdisciplinary engineering opportunities to become a center of advanced solutions in national and international levels.

Our Chemical Engineering, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering and Food Engineering undergraduate programs are accredited by ABET (EAC).


World Food Day event at ITU

by Evren Demircan | Nov 10, 2022
“World Food Day event” was organized by our Faculty with the cooperation of ITU Sustainability Office and ITU Rectorate Safe and Sustainable Food Commission.


In the scope of the World Food Day event, after the opening speech of our Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Lütfiye Durak Ata; Berat İnci, Director of Food Rescue Association; Malty founding partner Elif Özcü and Gurmedenal Production Manager Savaş Pınar shared their industry experiences.

Afterwards, the student competition presentations were made on “SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS 2: ZERO HUNGER AND DEVELOPMENT OF PRODUCT OR PROCESS WITHIN RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION”. Plaques and gifts were presented to the winners. The event was concluded with student presentations, poster competitions, and the distribution of awards.

In addition to the "Zero Hunger (SDG-2)" and "Responsible Consumption and Production (SDG-12)" targets, the importance of "Partnerships for the Goals (SDG-17)" was also emphasized within the scope of Food Day.

It was emphasized that the solution to the problem of food waste, which is one of the main causes of carbon footprint, is hidden in collaborations and partnerships. We would like to thank ITU Rectorate Safe and Sustainable Food Commission.