ITU’s 251th Anniversary Doctorate Graduation Ceremony 2023 Best Thesis Award to Dr. Elif Emil Kaya, 2023 Outstanding Doctoral Award to Dr. Evren Demircan

by Evren Demircan | Jul 11, 2024
Istanbul Technical University's 251st year doctoral graduates received their diplomas at a magnificent ceremony held on July 4, 2024.

Istanbul Technical University's 251st year doctoral graduates received their diplomas at a magnificent ceremony held on July 4, 2024.

Within the scope of the Doctoral Graduation Ceremony, Dr. Elif Emil Kaya, who completed her doctorate in the Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, received the 2023 Best Thesis Award for her thesis titled "Recycling of Waste-NdFeB Magnets for Recovery of Rare Earth Elements by Combining Pyro- and Hydrometallurgy", that was carried out under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Sebahattin Gürmen.

Dr. Evren Demircan, who completed his doctorate in the Department of Food Engineering, was deemed worthy of the 2023 Doctoral Special Award for his thesis titled "Development of 3D Food Printer and use of Mushrooms in 3D Food Printer within the Scope of New Plant-Based Food Production", which he carried out under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Beraat Özçelik.

We congratulate our faculty members, Dr. Elif Emil Kaya, Dr. Evren Demircan, and all our other PhD graduates and wish them continued success.