TUBA-GEBIP 2023 Awards to Assoc. Prof. Nil ÖZBEK and Assist. Prof. Faiz MUHAFFEL

by Sezgin Sarışen | Feb 07, 2024
Our Faculty members, Assoc. Prof. Nil ÖZBEK and Assist. Prof. Dr. Faiz Muhaffel have been awarded with TUBA-GEBIP 2023 prize.

Our Faculty members, Assoc. Prof. Nil ÖZBEK from Chemical Engineering Department and Assist.  Prof. Faiz MUHAFFEL from Metalurgical and Materials Engineering Department have been awarded with TUBA-GEBİP 2023 prize. This award is particularly significant because it serves to promote Türkiye's reputation in the international scientific community while also inspiring and supporting the careers of outstanding young scientists in Türkiye.

We sincerely congratulate our faculty members and wish them continued success.