ITU International Research Collaboration Project Grant Support to Our Faculty Member Asist. Prof. Dr. Faiz MUHAFFEL

by Sezgin Sarışen | Jul 14, 2023
Our Faculty member, Asist. Prof. Dr. Faiz MUHAFFEL has been awarded with ITU International Research Collaboration Project Grant.

The project titled "Production and Characterisation of Zirconia-Based Coatings Produced by Aerosol Deposition Technique" led by Assist. Prof. Dr. Faiz MUHAFFEL, a faculty member of the Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Department, is funded by the International Research Collaboration Project of ITU. Prof. Dr. Hüseyin ÇİMENOĞLU and Res. Assist. Mertcan KABA from ITU Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Department are participating in this project as researchers. Prof. Dr. Ping XIAO, Dr. Ahmet Hilmi PAKSOY and Dr. Esma YILMAZ, affiliated with the Materials Department at the University of Manchester (UoM), have joined the project as international partners.

We congratulate our faculty member and his working group and wish them ongoing success in their research endeavours.