2023 ITU Academic Performance Awards Were Given

by Evren Demircan | Jul 14, 2023
Within the scope of the "ITU Academic Performance Awards", 7 and 9 faculty members from our Faculty were awarded, respectively, in two different categories, titled "Academic Performance and Publication Awards".

Within the scope of the "ITU Academic Performance Awards", 7 and 9 faculty members from our Faculty were awarded, respectively, in two different categories, titled "Academic Performance and Publication Awards". We sincerely congratulate our faculty members and wish them continued success.

Academic Performance Category:

  • Prof. Dr. Esra ÇAPANOĞLU GÜVEN
  • Prof. Dr. F. Seniha GÜNER
  • Prof. Dr. Şerife Birgül ERSOLMAZ
  • Assoc. Prof. A. Özge KÜRKÇÜOĞLU LEVİTAS                                           
  • Prof. Dr. Hüseyin ÇİMENOĞLU
  • Assoc. Prof. Reza NOFAR
  • Assist. Prof. Nuri SOLAK

Publication Category:

  • Prof. Dr. Esra ÇAPANOĞLU GÜVEN
  • Prof. Dr. Ömer ŞAHİN
  • Prof. Dr. Serdar YAMAN
  • Prof. Dr. F. Seniha GÜNER
  • Assoc. Prof. A. Özge KÜRKÇÜOĞLU LEVİTAS
  • Prof. Dr. Hanzade AÇMA
  • Prof. Dr. Sebahattin GÜRMEN
  • Assoc. Prof. M. Reza NOFAR
  • Assoc. Prof. Duygu AĞAOĞULLARI