Our faculty's Extinguishing Team attended the Fire Training.

by Evren Demircan | Jan 20, 2022
Our faculty members in the Extinguishing Team attended the Fire Training held in cooperation with the ITU ISGB Coordination and ITU Disaster and Emergency Management (ITU-AFAD) Coordination.
Yangina Müdahale Eğitimi

Our faculty members in the Extinguishing Team attended the Fire Training held in cooperation with the ITU ISGB Coordination and ITU Disaster and Emergency Management (ITU-AFAD) Coordination. Training has been given by Istanbul Fire Department on 11-12-13 January 2022, in which  theoretical information about fires and practical fire extinguishing methods were also shown.

Some of the practices carried out during the training;

1. How to extinguish a fire (via tubes):

 - Appropriate fire extinguisher should be selected according to the type of fire. Water, fire extinguisher, fire blanket etc.)

   - Feet must be in proper position during fire extinguishing. It was stated that one foot should be in front and one back. The front foot should be slightly bent at the knee, and the back foot should be upright.

   - Fire tubes can be used to spray for about 15 seconds. It has been stated that this period, which seems short, is sufficient if it is sprayed towards the center of the fire during the fire response.

2. Never extinguish oil with water in the kitchen or anywhere! 

- Burnt oil should never be extinguished with water. Otherwise, big problems may be encountered as a result of ignition, such as the following situation (video). It was stated that instead of water, air connection should be cut with a cover or something similar to prevent combustion.