The Academic Performance Awards were presented for the third year in 2024, a year that ITU acknowledged as the "Year of Global Impact". Our Rector Prof. Dr. İsmail Koyuncu, our vice rectors, deans and faculty members came together at the award ceremony at Ayazağa Campus SDKM on April 25, 2024.
Academic Performance Awards were offered in three different categories. These are the faculty members with the highest academic performance in the department from 2021 to 2023, the faculty members with the highest performance in publications in the department in 2023, and the research assistants with the highest performance in publications in 2023.
We congratulate our faculty members and wish them continued success.
Academic Performance Awards (2021-2023):
- Prof. Dr. Fatma Seniha Güner (Chemical Engineering Department)
- Prof. Dr. Şerife Birgül Ersolmaz (Chemical Engineering Department)
- Doç. Dr. Ayşe Özge Kürkçüoğlu Levitas (Chemical Engineering Department)
- Prof. Dr. Murat Baydoğan (Metalurgical and Materials Engineering Department)
- Doç. Dr. M. Reza Nofar (Metalurgical and Materials Engineering Department)
- Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Nuri Solak (Metalurgical and Materials Engineering Department)
- Prof. Dr. Esra Çapanoğlu Güven (Food Engineering Department)
- Prof. Dr. Beraat Günşar (Food Engineering Department)
Publication-Based Performance Awards (2023):
- Prof. Dr. Ömer Şahin (Chemical Engineering Department)
- Prof. Dr. Gülhayat Saygılı (Chemical Engineering Department)
- Doç. Dr. Sinan Kutluay (Chemical Engineering Department)
- Prof. Dr. M. Lütfi Öveçoğlu (Metalurgical and Materials Engineering Department)
- Prof. Dr. Murat Baydoğan (Metalurgical and Materials Engineering Department)
- Doç. Dr. Duygu Ağaoğulları (Metalurgical and Materials Engineering Department)
- Prof. Dr. Esra Çapanoğlu Güven (Food Engineering Department)
- Prof. Dr. Beraat Günşar (Food Engineering Department)
Research Assistants Publication-Based Performance Awards (2023):
- Araş. Gör. Ebru Kahraman (Chemical Engineering Department)
- Araş. Gör. İlayda Nur Oksal (Chemical Engineering Department)
- Araş. Gör. Mertcan Kaba (Metalurgical and Materials Engineering Department)
- Araş. Gör. Emircan Uysal (Metalurgical and Materials Engineering Department)
- Araş. Gör. Dilara Nur Dikmetaş (Food Engineering Department)