
ITU Faculty of Chemical Metallurgical Engineering

To be the 6th faculty established in the history of ITU, our faculty aims to make scientific and applied research in the fields of chemistry, metallurgy, food and bioengineering fields by pursuing developments in the tomorrow’s key technologies and interdisciplinary engineering opportunities to become a center of advanced solutions in national and international levels.

Our Chemical Engineering, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering and Food Engineering undergraduate programs are accredited by ABET (EAC).


Visit to Our Faculty from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)

by Sezgin Sarışen | Jul 04, 2022
Institute of Future Energy Director from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia visited our faculty and ITU SENTEK Laboratories.

Director of Institute of Future Energy from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Prof. Dr. Arshad AHMAD and his team visited our Faculty and ITU SENTEK Laboratories on July 1, 2022, to develop possible collaborations, especially in the fields of "Energy and Environmental Hydrogen Production".